Creating an example Smart Contract

Creating Smart Contracts Using OpenZeppelin Wizard & Remix IDE

This guide outlines the process of generating smart contracts automatically using OpenZeppelin Wizard. The generated smart contract can be directly opened in Remix with the "Open in Remix" button or copied and pasted into any IDE of your choice.

Initial Steps

To start, go to the OpenZeppelin Wizard in your web browser. You'll see two options: Solidity Wizard and Cairo Wizard.

Choose from the following options to create ready-to-use smart contract code in Solidity (for Ethereum Virtual Machine, EVM, chains) or Cairolang (for Starknet):

→ ERC20: to create an ERC-20 token contract → ERC721: to create an NFT contract → ERC1155: to create an ERC-1155 token contract → Governor: to set up a DAO → Custom: to write a personalized smart contract

Creating an NFT Contract

As an example, let’s create a Mintable, ERC721 NFT contract and specify its license.

Select the ERC721 Tab

Enter the Name and Symbol for your NFT in the respective fields.

On the left, use the checkboxes to add features to your token:

  • Check Mintable

  • Check Auto Increment Ids for unique NFT minting

Choose either the default MIT license or enter a different license.

Each selected feature will automatically generate corresponding lines of code.

Your Contract is Ready.

The process results in a complete NFT token contract in Solidity. You can now use this code in your preferred IDE or open it in Remix.

The following figure shows the automatically generated NFT smart contract code.

Deploy Contract

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