Bug Bounty Program
Welcome to the Prom Bug Bounty Program! We're committed to ensuring the security and reliability of our blockchain solution. This program aims to incentivize security researchers and ethical hackers to identify and report potential vulnerabilities in our system.
Rewards are distributed based on the severity of the vulnerability, following a simplified 5-level scale:
Critical: Up to $50,000
High: Up to $10,000
Medium: Up to $2,000
Low: Up to $500
Informational: Up to $100
The exact reward amount will be determined based on the potential impact and exploitability of the reported issue.
The bug bounty program covers the following components of Prom:
Smart Contracts
Bridge Mechanisms
Consensus Layer
State Management
Transaction Processing
Proof Generation and Verification
Focus Areas
We're particularly interested in vulnerabilities that could lead to:
Loss or theft of user funds
Permanent freezing of funds
Manipulation of transaction data or state
Compromise of the network integrity
Disruption of the bridge between Prom and Ethereum
Exploitation of the zero-knowledge proof system
Consensus failures or network splits
Submission Guidelines
Please submit a bug report in an email to tech@prometeus.io In your report please make sure to have the following:
All submissions must include a clear description of the vulnerability and a proof-of-concept (PoC).
For smart contract vulnerabilities, a working exploit code is required.
Provide detailed steps to reproduce the vulnerability.
Wallet address that will be used to receive funds in case you are eligible for the reward
Out of Scope
Issues already known to the Prom team or previously reported
Vulnerabilities in third-party applications built on Prom
Theoretical vulnerabilities without practical exploitation paths
DOS attacks requiring large amounts of resources
Legal and Ethical Guidelines
Breaking the following rules might result into receiving less reward or complete loss of it for finding a bug:
Do not attempt to exploit any vulnerability beyond what's necessary to demonstrate the issue.
Avoid accessing, modifying, or destroying data that doesn't belong to you.
Do not disclose any vulnerabilities publicly before they have been addressed by the Prom team.
Misrepresenting severity: claiming that a bug report is critical when it clearly is not
Misrepresenting assets in scope: claiming that a bug report impacts/targets an asset in scope when it does not
Whitehacking with intent to save user or protocol funds without the express written consent of the project
Attempting phishing or other social engineering attacks against protocols developers
Requesting gas fees from the project
Attacks based on personal characteristics
Threats of violence
Threatening to publish or publishing people’s personal information without their consent
Extortion/blackmail or threats of extortion/blackmail
Reporting a bug that has already been publicly disclosed
Publicly disclosing a bug report--or even the existence of a bug report for a specific project--before it has been fixed and paid
Placeholder bug submissions, i.e., bugs that have a vague title, very few details, and no reproducible steps
Submitting spam/very low-quality bug reports and submitting information that is not a bug report
Submitting a bug report in a language other than English
Program Duration
This bug bounty program will run continuously, with periodic reviews and updates to the scope and reward structure. By launching this comprehensive bug bounty program, Prom aims to leverage the expertise of the global security research community to enhance the robustness and security of its solution, following the best practices established by other successful platforms in the ecosystem.
Last updated